This Sundargarh Judgeship was separated from Sambalpur Judgeship since 01.04.1978 and the Court of District & Sessions Judge was started functioning from such date. Besides above courts other subordinate courts are situated at Rourkela,Bonai, Rajgangpur, Hemgir and Birmitrapur.
Sundargarh District has 3 sub divisions, 16 Tehsils, 17 Blocks and 262 Gram panchayats. Topographically, this district is located between latitude 21 degree 36’ N to 22 degree 32’ N and longitude 83 degree 32’ E to 85 degree 22’ E. The population of this District is 2,080,664, this being the fifth most populous District of the state. Its rural population exceeds twelve lakhs and the urban population is more than six lakhs. The male literacy rate is 82.13 and female literacy rate in the District is 65.93.
The climate of this District is characterized by extremely hot summers and cool winters. Climate is hot & moist sub humid. Normal rainfall of the District is approximately 1230 mm, but there is a deviation in receipt of rainfall pattern which is influencing crop production.